Obstacles to Success

If you don’t believe in yourself, it’s hard to believe that what you’re doing is going in the right direction. It’s important to believe in yourself. It may help you if you go over the things you have accomplished so you can re-experience past successes in your mind. Reflecting will help you get more confident and let go of doubt so you can move forward.

If you have lots of distractions around, it can be hard to focus. It doesn’t matter if it’s music you like, or your kids; even a dog barking or a noisy fan can sometimes be distracting. If you’re having trouble focusing and you notice that you have background noise issues, try getting rid of them if you can. You can get noise-canceling headphones if you need them, or you can find a different room.

You need to get feedback on your work, but at the same time it can be something that gets in the way of finishing. It’s hard, but you cannot allow what other people think to guide you that much unless they’re professionals – and even then, don’t make their thoughts and feelings more important than your own.

It’s hard to imagine, but people are often just as afraid of success as they are failure. This is especially true when experiencing success isn’t something you know much about. Sadly, we’ve been taught that failure is a bad thing, but the truth is, you have to experience failure to get to success. Stop thinking about whether you’re going to succeed or fail; just implement.

Many people have a very hard time with criticism, even if it’s properly done and constructive. The only way to get through this is to get more criticism and practice dealing with it the right and healthy way. Remember to listen and to explore what they say, but you don’t have to agree.

Until next time, be resilient. 


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