Be Self-reliance

Feeling secure and content with yourself is key to being fulfilled and living the best possible life. When you are decisive and able to pursue your dreams without seeking permission, you can accomplish anything you want.

Self-reliance reminds you that you can trust your abilities and do anything. It boosts your self-esteem and keeps you looking forward to a better life.

When you face discouragement or constant criticism, you can quickly overcome them because you know who you are and what you can do. You don't let anything or anyone get you down or talk you out of living the life you want because you trust your abilities. Your past successes are a constant reminder of what you can do and how far you can go. You have evidence that you can achieve anything in life, and never let failure stop you from working on your goals.

People around you will respect you when you know that you can do anything you want without seeking approval. When people see that you are a go-getter who always gets things done, they will take you seriously. When you are resilient, decisive, confident, and always get back up after failure, you will teach people to respect you. So, seek independence in all areas of your life and enjoy every minute.

If you've had bad breaks and lost confidence in yourself, take the following steps to develop self-reliance and enjoy your life more;

1. Be proactive

Learn to solve problems independently and figure things out without waiting for someone to come along and suggest a solution. Use currently available resources to make the most of your life.

Use your skills to work on your dreams and bring them to life. Work with what you have.

Manage your time wisely and live intentionally. Look for opportunities to grow and seize them. Make sure you get closer to bringing your vision to life daily. Doing this keeps you motivated and helps you focus more on your abilities and less on what is happening around you.

2. Accept yourself 

Self-acceptance is key to finding happiness and being content with who you are. So, accept where you are and who you are. If you've made mistakes in the past, forgive yourself and move on. If someone has hurt you, forgive them and move on. Realize that your peace is more important than the hurt they've caused you.

Accept where you are but keep working on where you desire to be and arriving at your destination.

Accepting yourself can easily show, and people will learn to respect you more because they know that you are comfortable with who you are and don't need anyone to tell you what you can or can't be.

3. Be decisive

Indecisiveness is a sign of low self-esteem. It shows that you are unsure of yourself and need someone else to validate your decision before you can take the next step. So, learn to make your own decisions and stick to them. If you are stuck between choosing one crucial thing over the other, trust that you will make the right decision. Refrain from seeking approval from anyone. Take your time if you make a mistake or take a wrong turn.

Please realize that we learn from mistakes. Refine your decision-making skills to avoid making the same mistake twice.

Speak up if someone mistreats you. Confront the person responsible and let them know that their behavior is unacceptable. If they refuse to change, end your relationship because tolerating that treatment only weighs you down.

If you see any form of injustice around you, speak up. Please stand up for someone who can't stand up for themselves. Don't pretend you can't see the injustice that is happening. If you can't do anything about it, talk to someone who can. 

4. Help someone else 

Sometimes the best way to renew your confidence is by focusing on someone other than yourself. So, help someone else. Be kind to others. Do good and help someone improve their life in some way. It doesn't have to be financial assistance only. You can offer emotional support and encouragement and show the person you choose to help that they have what it takes to do ABC.

Share words of encouragement and hope. Help someone going through a tough time see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Be an inspiration. Inspire someone to change, improve, be more and do more. Doing this makes you realize that you matter and have an essential role in life.

Until next time, be Resilient! 


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