Distractions To Avoid

We all have visions, dreams, and aspirations. Each coming year we write down our resolutions. Yet, when we tally everything we have achieved at the end of the year, we find out we are far from where we thought we would be. Although disappointing, most people learn to live with that disappointment. They get used to being less than what they really should be. However, if you are a person of great vision, you should always fight the habit of becoming used to mediocrity. As the poet said, you should not go gentle into that good night. 
Let us check out some of the five key distractions that slow us down and deviate us from our envisioned path.

1. Procrastination

As the old-time adage goes, "procrastination is the thief of time." Most people keep lingering around, hesitant to take that first step toward the things we should be doing. The times are not always correct enough for them to start. Deadlines and appointments keep being pushed further and further into an unforeseeable future. And with time, we find ourselves stuck in that same place as the previous years. We do not grow, and we do not even get to walk the path that we want. Remember, no one is going to come and ring a bell for you to show that the time is right now. You need to be a pragmatic person and start.

2. Being too comfortable and settling

Change is indeed challenging. We usually feel comfortable staying in our niche, our safe zone. Most people choose to stay where they are because they have grown too comfortable and afraid of change and all the new challenges it might bring. So usually, they settle for something less than what they want. They feign contentment and live a sedentary life. Great visionaries, however, are flexible and can embrace change. They never settle for less and walk boldly down that mile they have envisioned.

3. Being disorganized 

When you have organization, it is easier to carry out a project or a plan. You have to avoid clutter mentally and around your workspace. Some level of organization is required. The organization is where vision boards usually play a significant role. They help you organize your thoughts and find out how you can manage to carry out a project. Fix proper objectives so that you will be able to handle unnecessary things. Prioritize things so you will only spend time and effort on some items. Prioritizing will help put your house in order and give you some organization. 

4. Excuses and low self-esteem

It is easy to give excuses in life. When we adopt of lax attitude, we often find ourselves giving reasons to whoever can listen, explaining ourselves even when no one asks. Low self-esteem also makes us doubt ourselves, constantly seeking the approval of others. Next time you find yourself trying to explain why you did not get to do what you had set out to do, stop yourself. Let your actions speak for themselves. As Sartre said, "dreams, expectations, and hopes only define a man as a broken dream, aborted hopes, and futile expectations." So be a person of action. Do not voice out excuses or explanations. Be confident enough to walk the walk.

5. Negativity and fear of failure

It is hard to start on something when we are drowning in negative thoughts and afraid. Some people never get to go anywhere because they need to be more daring to face the tasks. They cringe when the call comes for them to do something great; thus, they get trapped in the same frame for the rest of their lives. Ultimately, due to the negativity and all the time they lose, they become overwhelmed with sadness, self-loathing, and more negativity. It is a vicious cycle. When stuck in this loop, you will find out that you will never get where you want to be. Negativity and fear rob you of that sense of adventure. They make you lazy and hopeless that you will not even dare to try. It pays to be optimistic about your vision.

We need to be realistic and get ourselves into action. To be where you want to require a lot of strength, passion, and patience. Never back down when the going gets rough, and do not give in to all those negative thoughts. Take the reins and be in charge. Walk towards the person you want to become.

Until next time, be Resilient! 


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